Thursday 11 August 2011

Scouting vs Superstars- "You'll never win anything with kids"

The transfer window is interesting for all stakeholders of football clubs. Managers and chairmen are busy sorting out transfer dealings. Players are in constant communication with their clubs or on holiday.

Many clubs have conflictiing transer policies. But the question is which is the right one ?

Real Madrid have their "Galatico" strategy bringing and showcasing the creme de la creme of footballing talent on one stage. Under the regime Zidene Zidane was a world record £44 million signing at one stage in the football world,Papa Ronaldo for £26 million,Luiz Figo £38.7 million were bought for large fees.These signing's however only achieved only two league title's and one Champions League title.

Manchester City are spending from what it seems an abundant amount of money, attempting to attract top tier players. Purchases of Robinho for a British record fee of £32.5 million, David Silva for £30 million. These players have greatly improved the squad, this results in City being serious title contenders, a foreign thought for a fan of Manchester City 3 years ago. The closest they were to premierleague glory was across the city in the red half of Manchester.

Chelsea are in the hands of Roman Abramovich, who spent a large amount of money on player transfer when he first purchased the club, however in recent times he has reduced that spending, latest signings point to the possible change in policy, trying to purchase young players with potential. Josh Mchearean is widely tipped as a future Frank Lampard, Daniel Sturridge who spent last season on loan at Bolton

On the other end of the spectrum is Arsenal and to a lesser extent Manchester United. Both these clubs are steeped in tradition and history of scouting youngsters from across the globe. Arsenal rigid wage structure keeps the business model lucrative, whereas Sir Alex Ferguson has implemented a barrier to the amount of money spent on over 26 years old. Of course there are exceptions, Dimartar Berbatov 28 years old at the time was bought for £30.5 million. Sir Alex Ferguson brought Neville brothers,David Beckham,Ryan Giggs and Paul Scholes through United's youth system,immediately plunging them into the first team. Sir Alex identified the mercurous talent early whereas others such as ex Liverpool FC player Alan Hansen were unconvinced prompting this opinion from him. "You'll never win anything with kids" How wrong he was to be as United went on to win the treble of the Premier League, FA Cup and European Champions League. 

Other clubs such as Everton ,Aston Villa,Southampton and the formidable Barcelona rely heavily on their youth system. The effort that goes into training these individuals from a young age and the difficulties that are attached to it provide a heavy weight to carry along with the development of a player. Much alike United are finding out with the supremely talented Ravel Morrison. 

 Now we come back to the initial question. Which setup is better ?  From City's billions, to Arsenal youth policy and Manchester United mix of embedding young blood and a few big name signings. The answer is neither, both, if implemented in the right way can be successful.

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